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Warrior-Rouge Guide..

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Warrior-Rouge Guide.. Empty Warrior-Rouge Guide..

Post  attraction Mon 15 Mar - 23:10



1. Frenzy Buster:
Taunting Target - Optional (PvE)
Vital Increase - MAX
Descry - No (Pills / too many people use PK2 edit)
Sprint Assault - MAX
Iron Skin - MAX
Howling Shout - Optional (PvE)
Mana Skin - MAX

2. Guard Barrier:
Pain Quota - MAX
Physical Fence - MAX
Magical Fence - MAX
Protect - Optional (PvE)
Physical Screen - MAX
Morale Screen - MAX
Ultimate Screen - MAX

3. One-Handed Lord:
Max ALL passives!

4. One-Handed Sword:
Slash - No (Useless damage, waste SP, can be replaced with other skills)
Shield Trash - MAX
Double Stab - MAX
Berserker - No (Useless damage, waste HP & SP, can be replaced with other skills)
Shield Crush - MAX
Cunning Stab - MAX
Daring Berserker - No (Useless damage, waste HP & SP, can be replaced with other skills)

5. Two-Handed Lord:
Max ALL passives!

6. Two-Handed Sword:
Max ALL skills EXCEPT Warcry! (You will be weapon switching so often that Warcry doesn't get used)

7. Dual Lord:
Max ALL passives!

8. Dual Axe:
Down Cross - No (Useless damage, waste SP, can be replaced with other skills)
Double Twist - MAX
Axis Quiver - MAX
Dual Counter - MAX
Crisis Rush - No (Useless damage, waste HP & SP, can be replaced with other skills)
Sudden Twist - MAX
Deadly Counter - MAX
Crutial Rush - No (Useless damage, waste HP & SP, can be replaced with other skills)


1. Stealth Expert:
Stealth Extension - No (Pills / too many people use PK2 edit)

2. Stealth:
Scorn - MAX
Stealth - No (Pills / too many people use PK2 edit)
Destealth - No (Pills / too many people use PK2 edit)
Tag Point - Optional
Gross Scorn - MAX
Intensive Stealth - No (Pills / too many people use PK2 edit)
Intensive Destealth - No (Pills / too many people use PK2 edit)
Hunting Point - Optional

3. Poison
Poison Weapons - Optional (Good extra bonus damage if you got enough SP and micro)
Poison Circle - Optional (Good vs Warlocks at start of fights, I will explain later)
Poison Field - No
Poison Trap - No
Vein Weapon - Optional (Good extra bonus damage if you got enough SP and micro)
Vein Circle - Optional (Good vs Warlocks at start of fights, I will explain later)
Vein Field - No

4. Mask Change
Monster Mask - Optional (Making chicken masks for jobbing)
Duplicate - No (Not prerequisite for Sable Duplicate)
Beast Mask - Optional (For fun only!)
Sable Duplicate - Optional (Murder bug anyone? Not gonna say anymore)

5. Crossbow Expert
Max ALL passives!

6. Crossbow
Power Shot - MAX
Fast Shot - Optional (Good for cancelling Xbow skills to prevent normal attacks from occurring)
Long Shot - MAX
Blast Shot - MAX
Intense Shot - MAX
Rapid Shot - Optional (Good for Ong farming and noob killing)
Distance Shot - MAX
Hurricane Shot - MAX

7. Silent Expert
Dagger Power Up - MAX
Hawk Eye - MAX
Poison Power Up - Optional
Dagger Desperate - MAX
Venom Extension - Optional
Stealth Dagger - No
Quick Step - No

8. Dagger Charge
Max ALL skills!

Note: I didn't bother calculating SP because you can do that yourself at!


This exceptional build isn't suitable for everyone or just anyone. You must meet these certain requirements below in order to do well:
1. Alot of gold and resources (elements, tablets, weapons and gear)
2. Luck with alchemy
3. Knowledge of the game, in specific the in's and out's of at least the Warrior or Rogue build
4. Knowledge of other builds in the game
5. Good at weapon switching
6. HP & Vigor Grains


1. If you're not good with alchemy and cannot make your own items, you WILL need gold to buy from others. However, I strongly do not advocate buying or scamming gold as this is not necessary in order to get rich in game. Various ways to get gold is by Buying Low - Selling High, make items then sell them off, or doing shitloads of Medusa runs to get 100 drops and sell them off <- this is what I did!

2. If you're not good with making gold, you will need to be good at making your own items. Nuff said.

3. This is not a noob-friendly cookie-cutter build, it's a build for Pro's and the ambitious! Therefore you will need to have played at least a Warrior or a Rogue no matter what subtree before you should touch on Warrior/Rogue. Mastering one of the two trees is hard enough already, but learning both in one go will be very demanding. If you haven't met this requirement and proceeded to try this build but failed, DON'T SAY I DIDN'T WARN YOU!

4. You will need to know the strength and weakness of every build so you can apply your style, strategies and tactics to win against every match up and player correspondingly.

5. No brainer here! You're playing with 5 weapons, you will NEED to know how to switch between every single weapon at the right time and execute combos smoothly. This is what makes Warrior/Rogue the most fun and unique out of all builds...You'll never get sick of this shit because I know I haven't!

6. I'm not gonna lie, you will need some sort of healing recovery method and grains fixes the Euro delay. You have no Cleric heals, therefore you must use grains to survive...

Weapons & Gear

1. Weapons:

2H and Dagger +7 - Minimum stats 60% critical, physical damage, reinforcement and attack rating. You should try aim for +8 or better with 80% critical, and at least one of the other stats 80% or better.

1H, Dual-Axe and Xbow +5 - Minimum stats 60% critical, physical damage, reinforcement and attack rating. You should try aim for +7 or better with 80% critical, and at least one of the other stats 80% or better (recommended for the Xbow).

Cleric or Warlock Rod +5 - Just full blue it will suffice. Of course +7 would make your life easier bashing down Firewalls.

Shield +5 - Minimum block rate 16, preferably 18 or better. This will save your ass many times! Don't leave home without it.

2. Gear:

Heavy Armor Set +5 - Minimum stats 40% for everything. Preferably +6 or better with 60% stats (at least 60% for dodging)

Accessories +5 - Minimum stats 40%. Preferably +7 or better with 60% stats.

So why no Light Armor? Most of the time you will face Str opponents, Heavy Armor will help you tank unbelievably well...Mana skin, 1H+Shield and Vital Increase is more than enough for you to tank Int builds until they're Snow or Bless is down.


Combos is what makes or breaks a Warrior/Rogue. Perform it smoothly and at the right time, you will devastate the opponent and get admiration for stylishness and professionalism. Stuffing your combo's up or executing at the wrong time could get you killed extremely easily. Now before I go through and explain each one, you will have to know about a certain "Bug" which exist in SRO. It's the way you can use this bug to YOUR advantage that will make you succeed as Warrior/Rogue.

The "Bug" explained:
You can actually move or perform skills under the following situations:
1. knock-backed -> stunned/knock-downed within less than 1 second
2. stunned -> knock-backed/knock-downed within less than 1 second (you can only move after 0.5 seconds from stun -> knock-down)
3. freezing -> knock-downed (you can only move after freezing has thawed)

I'm sure you've seen this bug many many times in PvP, sometimes you have no idea why people can move after you stunned or knocked them back right? Also sometimes you die with full HP after they attack you (ghost damage)...It's because once in this bug, the other person can freely move as if they weren't stunned or knock-downed BUT just that your HP bar does not move from a bugged attack! So now you know how it works, how can you make this work for YOU or how can you AVOID it?

Practice by PvPing ALOT of Warriors in general, most are oblivious to this bug and the ones who are aware still have no idea how to use it. Basically once you are in "Bug" condition, wait for them to come near you and perform a stun or knock-down combo...most of the time they have no idea what is happening and you end up killing them since they still think they got full HP. Use 1H+Shield to defend or even Shield Crush, Xbow for knock-back and knock-down if bugged from afar.

The most interesting part of this build, the combos I've discovered have been grouped into different categories from Basic, Advanced and Expert. I STRONGLY suggest you practice and master every combo in the Basic category before you move onto the next level etc. This way you have your fingers and mind programmed to perform the weapon switches without thinking and it will help when you perform the harder combos.


If a skill has no brackets next to them, it meants the proc effect has not occurred.
- Sudden Twist -> Shield Crush = means no stun from Sudden Twist and no knock-back from Shield Crush
- Sudden Twist (stun) > Dare Devil (knock-back) = means Sudden Twist with opponent getting stunned, then the Dare Devil following up also knocks back.

*Basic Combos:

- Sudden Twist (stun) > Dare Devil

- Turn Rising (knock-down) > Triple Swing > Charge Swing OR Deadly Counter [Note: This combo works best when opponent has dull, bind, sleep or stun as it adds 100% damage bonus)

- Hurricane Shot (knock-down) > Crossbow Extreme > Intense Shot > Power Shot OR Distance Shot [ONLY if knock-backed due to bug]

- Screw (stun)> Spinning > Dagger Desperate > Prick

- Turn Rising > Bash OR Sprint Assault

- Turn Rising (knock-down) > Cunning Stab > Double Stab

- Dare Devil > Turn Rising (knock-down) > Triple Swing OR Bash

- Dare Devil > Turn Rising > Sprint Assault > Dare Devil

*Note: Practicing these will make you more familiar with your shortcut keys as well as preparing you for the harder combos later on.

*Advanced Combos:

- Turn Rising > Bash > Sudden Twist

- Turn Rising (knock-down) > Deadly Counter > Triple Swing

- Turn Rising (knock-down) > Bash > Mortal Wounds OR Double Stab OR Charged Swing [Depends whether you want a defensive or offensive follow up. I mostly use Mortal Wounds since it adds Bleed, is fast and does highest damage out of the three]

- Turn Rising (knock-down) > Dagger Desperate > Mortal Wounds

- Turn Rising > Screw (stun) > Spinning > Dagger Desperate > Prick

- Turn Rising > Sudden Twist (stun) [This one is hard because you need good timing and little lag. If no knock-down you switch to Axe, if knock-down occurs you go straight to something else]

- Hurricane Shot > Rapid Shot [This combo ensures if Xbow doesn't knock-down then you won't continue shooting normal shots. You can also apply Fast / Rapid Shot to Intense Shot or Power Shot]

- Shield Crush (knock-back) > Hurricane Shot (knock-down) > Dagger Desperate > Scud > Mortal Wounds

- Shield Crush (knock-back) > Hurricane Shot (knock-down) > Dagger Desperate (moonwalk) > Mortal Wounds [This is where you slide while performing a can only moonwalk with Dagger Desperate if there's a fair amount of distance between you and the opponent. Watch this video to see how you perform moonwalk like a pro - ]

- Shield Crush (knock-back) > Intense Shot (knock-back) > Rapid Shot > REPEAT [Infinite knock-back loop, defensive combo when you're in trouble. Feel free to add other interruption skills which suits you!]

- Shield Crush (knock-back) > Hurricane Shot (knock-down) > Crossbow Extreme (moonwalk) > Intense Shot > Power Shot OR Distance Shot

- Sudden Twist (1st hit stun) > Dagger Desperate > Prick

- Sudden Twist (2nd OR 3rd hit stun) > Screw > Dagger Desperate > Prick [Use this when you can't react fast enough with 2nd or 3rd hit of Sudden Twist stunning as if you would usually follow up with the next combo if Sudden Twist didn't stun at all]

- Sudden Twist > Screw (stun) > Spinning > Dagger Desperate > Prick

- Sudden Twist > Screw (stun) > Spinning > Dare Devil [Use this if Desperate is on cooldown]

- Sudden Twist > Turn Rising [Follow this up with Screw if no knock-down or Desperate > Mortal Wounds if it did]

- Axis Quiver > Sudden Twist [Whether Axis stuns or not, follow up with Sudden anyways to be safe]

- Sudden Twist > Sprint Assault > Axis Quiver > Screw > Prick > Sudden Twist [Desperate stun combo...if you couldn't get a single stun then consider yourself unlucky. If you did then chain it with Desperate > Prick or Dare Devil etc.]

*Note: Master these and no one could really out-interrupt you - except maybe those gay knock-back spamming bowers with ice imbues and firewalls heh!

*Expert Combos:

- Sudden Twist > Screw (stun) > Dare Devil [My favourite combo - Extremely hard timing but looks very sexy!]

- Sprint Assault > Sudden Twist OR Turn Rising [You don't get a stun or knock-back, proceed with one of the advanced stun or knock-down combos]

- Sprint Assault (knock-back) > Double Stab > Shield Crush [Defensive bug avoid]

- Sprint Assault (knock-back) > Axis Quiver > Sudden Twist [Stuns and avoids bug due to long start up time with Axis]

- Sprint Assault (stun) > Dare Devil [Desperate > Prick also works]

- Sprint Assault (stun & knock-back) > Distance Shot [Shoot them while you're safe and they're not! Or if you have more range against them ie. 1H, Axe, Dagger, Blade, Sword etc. use Dare Devil]

- Dare Devil > Sudden Twist (stun) > Dare Devil [Back to back Dare Devils hurt!]

- Dare Devil (1st hit knock-back) > Turn Rising (knock-down) > Sprint Assault (stun) > Cunning Stab > Shield Crush [Whether knock-down or not, if you bug then you are in defensive with 1H follow up with Shield Crush. If Sprint stuns, you do some bonus damage with Cunning anyways so it's win-win situation]

- Dare Devil (1st hit knock-back) > Hurricane Shot > Dagger Desperate (moonwalk) > Mortal Wounds [Anti-bug knock-down combo into daggers]

- Dare Devil (2nd hit knock-back) > Turn Rising > Sudden Death (stun) > Dare Devil [You are following up a chance to bug with knock-down, however if it doesn't then you will stun and Dare Devil]

- Dare Devil (1st OR 2nd hit knock-back) > Butterfly Blow (dull) > Turn Rising (knock-down) > Triple Swing > Deadly Counter [Allows huge damage followed by more massive damage from Triple Swing / Deadly Counter with Dull to amplify bonus damage]

- Dare Devil (1st OR 2nd hit knock-back) > Mortal Wounds > Sudden Twist (stun) > Dagger Desperate > Prick > Mortal Wounds [Cooldown for Mortal fits just right for you to execute this Bleed while avoiding bug, then goes in for a big Prick - no pun intended!]

- Dare Devil (1st & 2nd hit knock-back) > Sudden Twist / Sprint Assault [The distance between you and your opponent is large enough that by the time you're near them, it's already over 1 second]

- Dare Devil (1st & 2nd hit knock-back) > Screw (stun) > Prick > Dare Devil [This works when Desperate is on cooldown. Oh and it's extremely painful!]

- Dare Devil > Sudden Twist (stun) > Crossbow Extreme > Distance Shot > Turn Rising (knock-down) > Dagger Desperate > Mortal Wounds [Combo of GG #1 - Kills anything and everything!]

- Dare Devil > Sudden Twist (stun) > Crossbow Extreme > Distance Shot > Turn Rising > Screw (stun) > Spinning > Dagger Desperate > Prick > Mortal Wounds [Combo of GG #2 - If this combo doesn't kill them, I don't know what will -> or you need better weapons]

*Note: If you can do these, your skill level will raise from a decent to PRO Warrior/Rogue. These need abit of practice and the exact situation to work. If there's any harder ones (that are practical) please feel free to show me in your future videos...I'm hoping every Warrior/Rogue at 11D can perform these!

PvP Strategy & Tactics


*Sword Nuker:
Best strategy is to Vital Increase, Mana Skin, Iron Skin and Shield Crush until Snow finish. Gay tactic BUT use only if the opponent has Sun sword with good set and your set cannot tank 1 nuke > knock down -> 4 stabs combo. Otherwise, soften them up with Dare Devil followed by a knock-down. Keep trying until you crit and kill! Don't bother with stun > Dagger Desperate > Prick combos because it leaves you too open for damage afterwards if you can't kill. Always Dull / Bleed > knock-down > Triple Swing > Deadly Counter when Desperate is on cooldown. Make sure you have shield on if you can't interrupt their nukes in time. Xbow helps when they put up Icewall. These guys shouldn't be too much problem if you play safely!

Dull / Bleed > knock-down > Triple Swing > Deadly Counter combos are your friend. These guys are tough tankers, extremely annoying with constant knock-downs. Don't get me started on them Sun bladers starting to use ice imbue on me too!@#! If they slow you, slow them back with your Shield Crush > Butterfly Blow > Shield Crush = 100% Dull combo. Soften them down and see if you get some crits, then try knock-down or stun > Dagger Desperate > Prick. If you can't? Pray you get double Dare Devil crits or a Prick crit. (Note: my +7 daggers were enough to kill Sun Bladers and Sun Warrior/Clerics with 1 crit) Oh yeah, pill off fear / impotent / division when you see them...and pill off Bleed ONLY if they knock-down, this way their 4 stabs won't hurt.

*Spear Nuker:
These guys hit extremely hard since you have Heavy Armor. No shame to use Mana Skin and Vital Increase since they are painful...general strategy is to constant knock-back and hope for Dulls / Bleed. A Dare Devil then stun or knock-down into daggers does the trick. Again try to time your interrupts when they try to nuke. If they get you to low HP, use Shield Crush > Intense Shot > Power Shot > Rapid Shot [to cancel] > Shield Crush until your HP recovers.

I call these guys the training dummys because they have alot of HP but it's hard for them to kill you unless they stun you with half HP or in Dagger Desperate. If they use Snow, Dull / Bleed > knock-down combos to soften, add in some Dare Devils in between and don't bother with stunning them first for a Dare Devil. They have hardly any interrupts so it's free hits for you! Once you feel they're down to half HP, go for the kill with daggers.

*Int Bowers:
Only their ice imbue can stop you (for abit), but really pound them down like no tomorrow. They got no defense and they can't survive your it's fresh meat!

*Str Bowers:
Classic (100 Fire / 80 Light / 20 Ice) or Force Bowers are no problems. Every bow uses firewall, use Xbow and run out of range - Distance Shot > Rapid Shot with poison imbue so you get them constantly healing. Once the crit comes in, they most likely die (try to get a nicely pimped Xbow as I mentioned above...mine is +9 crit 20, physical 100%, attack rating 60%, reinforcement 80% but I use Silver Premium vs Premium Plus so really if same premiums then a +7 with crit 17 80% physical or reinforcement should suffice). Remember when you change from Extreme back to 1H / Shield to pump a vigor in case they stun you. Their general strategy is to knock you back far enough to use Strongbow so that's the time to Sprint Assault or at least stay in 1H / Shield. When they use Explosion or Anti-Devil, you can try stun or knock-down into daggers. If you somehow bugged their firewall, use your cleric/warlock rod to bash it down. Also if you have a strong 2H, try using Iron Skin/Mana Skin then Sudden Twist and Dare Devil whenever you see an opening vs firewall...your strategy here is to get reflect damage from 2H passive combined with a Dare Devil crit. Once Skins are down then retreat to the Xbow tactic I mentioned earlier.


Too easy, stun or knock-down into daggers does the job. Just interrupt them when they try to Bind > Offering. Xbow is your friend here!

This is a joke! No one plays Cleric as their main for PvPs. Here's a tip however, vsing sub Clerics use Shield Trash instead of Shield Crush. You can't Dull them, damage is hardly noticeable BUT Trash is faster so you might as well use it.

If they Bless and Earth Fence, use Vital Increase / Mana Skin with Shield Crush ONLY when they nuke. It's so slow you can patiently wait til they try something. Try to knock-down or stun into daggers if they got only 1 or less buffs (Bless or Earth Fence), you can't kill them with both on. My best strategy is Shield Crush, Xbow knock-down > Crossbow Extreme > Shoot away...Scorn if they are sub Clerics. No contest here!

Alot of people would say this is your worst matchup BUT it's not. My strategy against them works 90% of the time...REALLY! Alot of people think you need to go close and pwn them with Dare Devil, however going melee against a Warlock is extremely difficult. They slow you down, debuff and stun as well as that nasty trap + sleep bug. So how do you beat them? Simple, use Vein Circle if you learnt (no worries if not BUT 50% immunity vs curse series ie. Disease / Trap etc helps alot) and start the PvP with you far away. Hurricane Shot (knock-down) > Crossbow Extreme (moonwalk back) > wait til they get up and Distance Shot works. Or if you're Xbow is pimped like mine then go for Intense Shot > Power Shot OR Distance Shot. You can't kill? Mana skin / Vital Increase and do hit and run strategies! They will get annoyed but they are Warlocks...they can't complain. Just becareful if they stun > Offering...that's just a free kill on their part but nothing you can do but hope your shield blocks.

There's 2 types of Rogues I'm going to mention, Rogue/Warlock and Rogue/Cleric.

Rogue/Warlock can get nasty but the trick is constantly putting pressure so they have no time to debuff you. Dull is your best friend here, they can't cast enough skills or stun > Desperate > Prick without you waking up to pwn them when they are most vulnerable. Just time your pills against Trap / Sleep and you should be fine.

Warrior/Rogues eat Rogue/Clerics for's one of their favourable matchups because they can't attack and they can't heal with you constantly scorning. Just bash away until you kill them, the only thing you need to learn is timing your vigors properly.

The most entertaining and frustrating matchup at the same time ^^.

Warrior/Warlocks are a pain, they can do everything you can do but in the gayest way possible. However they lack defense since most are in Robes, so Dull / Bleed then Dare Devil if you can stun > into knock-down daggers would be the general strategy. Just make sure you switch daggers back to Warrior if you didn't kill with Mortal Wounds or Prick combos - a quick stun then Dare Devil could be deadly for you.

Warrior/Clerics is a hard one but nevertheless the favour is towards you...this is the most Cookie-Cutter of all builds for Pros and Beginners alike. Constant and well-timed Scorns does the trick, your aim is to Dare Devil > Sudden Death (stun) > Dare Devil into daggers or a stun > Desperate > Prick crit strategy. Knock-down > Mortal Wounds generally will not kill unless they had no Healing Cycle / Orbit on. Alternatively you can go for the combo of GG (only if you mastered it) when they BUG you as it's hard enough to get a free Dare Devil in against Warriors.

Warrior/Rogues mirror match is really a test of skill between the two players. One strategy is to constantly Dull/Bleed while Sudden Death > Turn Rising and see if stun > Dare Devil or no stun > knock-down into daggers. It's a solid way however, a true Warrior/Rogue adapts to their opponents and changes their gameplay to suit them. My strategy is really constant stuns, knock-backs, time my Sprint Assaults when they come in for stuns etc. or catch them in Desperate with more stuns.

Group PvP

Your role is to play the disruptor. Kill all the Wizards and Ints, de-Fence any that has Fence...Scorn all their buffers and ressers...and protect your own Wiz/Ints. If played right, the other team's numbers will start dropping like flies just because you've countered the Euro buff strategy. If there's a Str Cleric in your party getting ganked, best to Gross Scorn - tank their damage (sacrifice yourself even) because they can ress while you can't.

If you ever find yourself in a situation of going 1 vs 2 or 1 vs Many, try to find and run around obstacles like rocks or trees so only one enemy (the fastest ones like Wiz/Bards) can attack you. This is your chance to kill them off one by one then run > must learn how to play hit and run tactics so that you take pressure off from your own party (splitting the enemy's forces is always a good thing) and also makes it harder for the opposing party to re-organise themselves when they're so scattered. I know this tactic works because everyone aims for me first...(also the fact everyone on my server knows I'm the most dangerous if they leave me alone)

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Warrior-Rouge Guide.. Empty Re: Warrior-Rouge Guide..

Post  XCruSaD3rX Tue 16 Mar - 14:11

Awsome Guide, ty =P Shocked

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Warrior-Rouge Guide.. Empty Re: Warrior-Rouge Guide..

Post  attraction Tue 16 Mar - 16:57

jejeje Very Happy

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Warrior-Rouge Guide.. Empty Re: Warrior-Rouge Guide..

Post  hishxD Wed 17 Mar - 20:46

ty =D but i dont like euro Laughing Razz

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